
7 Kundalini mudras: Awaken the Inner Serpent

3. Benefits of Kundalini Mudras

Ancient holy texts and teachings state that there are numerous advantages to using the Kundalini Mudra. It is important to remember that these advantages are discussed in a spiritual context and that personal experiences may differ. The potential advantages described in these customs include the following:


The spiritual energy known as “Kundalini” that lies dormant at the base of the spine is said to be roused and circulated by kundalini poses. These positions are thought to make it easier for this energy to travel upward through the chakras along the spine, resulting in spiritual transformation and higher states of consciousness.

Enhanced Introspection

During meditation, kundalini mudras are frequently employed to sharpen one’s focus and concentration. These hand motions are said to aid in rerouting energy flow throughout the body and mind, resulting in a deeper level of meditation experience.

Chakra Activation

Numerous Kundalini positions correspond to particular chakras, which are the body’s energy centers. Practitioners of these postures hope to open and stimulate the corresponding chakras, enhancing consciousness, vigor, and spiritual development.

Spiritual advancement

It’s common knowledge that gaining spiritual latitude (moksha), or self-realization, is the ultimate aim of Kundalini Mudra practice. These mudras are regarded as tools to quicken one’s spiritual development, conveying a greater comprehension of oneself and the cosmos.

Energetic Alignment

It is believed that Kundalini Mudra aligns the practitioner’s own energy with cosmic energy, deepening their sense of connection to the divine and the cosmos.

Kundalini Mudra should be performed with respect, caution, and expert teacher guidance. Despite the fact that these advantages are mentioned in historical books and customs, individual experiences might differ significantly, and not everyone will necessarily feel the same consequences.

4. Types of Kundalini Mudras

Here are seven Kundalini mudras that are frequently associated with arousing the internal serpent

  • Gyan Mudra: The knowledge mudra, or gyan mudra, is arguably the most prevalent mudra. While the other three fingers are spread, the tip of the index finger brushes the tip of the thumb. It is thought to improve wisdom, inventiveness, and concentration.
  • Shuni Mudra: The other fingers are spread in this mudra, which is made by touching the tips of the thumb and middle finger. This is thought to instill a sense of responsibility, caution, and patience.
  • The Surya Mudra: also known as the Sun Mudra, is made by pressing the tip of the ring finger on the base of the thumb. This pose promotes vigor, energy, and metabolic stimulation.
  • Buddhi Mudra: The fingers are split apart, with the little finger’s tip resting on the tip of the thumb. It is thought to improve psychic abilities, intuition, and communication capabilities.
  • Prana Mudra: The thumb, little finger, and ring fingertips are united while the other fingers are extended in the Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life Force). According to popular belief, this posture boosts immunity, vigor, and overall energy levels.
  • Apana Mudra: The other fingers are splayed, and the tips of the middle and ring fingers are in contact with the tip of the thumb. It is claimed to help with cleansing, excretion, and digestion.
  • Shankha Mudra: The left thumb is positioned over the right thumb, which is positioned over the four fingers of the right hand. This position is thought to balance the energy in the throat chakra and control the water element in the body.

It’s crucial to keep your attention on your breath and intention when performing these poses. In order to maximize their effects, kundalini Mudras are frequently combined with yoga postures, breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. Similar to any spiritual activity.

Activating latent spiritual energy within the body, kundalini awakening is frequently described as a profound and intense spiritual experience. There is no one-size-fits-all explanation for Kundalini awakening because it can vary considerably from person to person. However, those who have experienced it have described a wide variety of experiences and emotions.

5. How Does Kundalini Awakening Actually Feel?

Numerous people talk about feeling “serpent” or “snake” energy, which is commonly described as traveling upward in the spine. According to legend, this energy travels down the Sushumna, or central energy channel, and can cause the spinal cord to tingle, warm up, or throb.

The awakening of the kundalini can cause a surge of strong emotions, ranging from ecstasy and joy to dread and worry. Kundalini Mudras raise emotional experiences that can vary significantly and are frequently unpredictable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Kundalini mudra?

A special hand posture or gesture called a kundalini mudra is employed during yoga and meditation to increase one’s spiritual practice and encourage energy flow. These postures are thought to be intimately connected to the Kundalini energy flow throughout the body.

How do Kundalini mudras work?

According to popular belief, kundalini mudras function by encircling the body with energy. In order to awaken the latent Kundalini energy at the base, practitioners place their hands in precise ways in order to direct and control the flow of energy through the body’s subtle energy pathways (called nadis) and energy centers (called chakras). cervical spine.

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