
10 ways to gain weight with a fast metabolism

Although gaining weight can be difficult when you have a rapid metabolism, it is not impossible.

Even if they want to, many people with a rapid metabolism find it difficult to gain weight.

However, if you use the appropriate method, you can gain weight and have a healthy body. In this thorough article, we’ll look at ten practical strategies for assisting weight growth with a quicker metabolism.

You can gain weight using these methods, which include food changes, exercise schedules, and lifestyle modifications.

Gaining weight with a higher metabolism is not impossible, but a little bit difficult. You need to practice some exercises and follow a balanced diet to gain weight in a short time.


Table of Contents

What are some healthy foods to gain weight?

To guarantee that your weight is increasing in a way that supports general health.

It would help if you aimed for a balanced diet that includes a mixture of macronutrients and micronutrients.


It is not sufficient to only consume high-calorie foods. Some weight-gain foods are here…

  • Lean proteins: salmon, tofu, chicken breast, and turkey.
  • Healthy fats: avocados, seeds (such as chia and flax seeds), and nuts (like almonds, walnuts, and cashews).
  • Dairy products: yogurt and cheese.
  • Nut Butter: Nut butter, such as peanut butter, almond butter, and others, are high in proteins and good fats yet low in calories. Use them in smoothies or spread them over whole-grain toast.
  • Eggs: Packed with healthy fats and protein, eggs are a great food source. They can be cooked, fried, or made into omelets, among other preparation methods.
  • Baked or grilled foods: To maximize flavor and minimize bad fats, use baking or grilling techniques rather than frying.
  • Homemade Shakes: For additional calories and nutrients, mix protein powder, fruit, nut butter, and oats with milk or milk substitutes to make your own shakes.

Adverse to this, there are several methods to lose weight that are frequently drawn into practice by people in order to lose or reduce weight frequently.

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What Does Being Underweight Mean?

Body weight below what is deemed healthy for an individual’s age, height, and gender is referred to as underweight.

Body mass index (BMI), a measurement that is often calculated using a person’s height and weight, is used to determine this.

You can use the following formula to calculate someone’s BMI and determine if they are underweight:

Height (in meters) * Height (in meters) / Weight (in kilos) equals BMI.

The general BMI ranges are as follows:

1. Beneath weight: BMI < 18.5
2. Weight Normal: BMI 18.5 to 24.9
3. Weighty: BMI between 25 and 29.9
4. Overweight: BMI of 30 or above

Someone is deemed underweight if their BMI falls below 18.5

It is crucial to remember that BMI has its limitations and does not account for things like total body composition, bone density, or muscle mass.

Symptoms Of Being Underweight

symptoms of being underweight


  • Ribs, spine, or other bony protrusions are visible.
  • Feeling weak or exhausted all the time.
  • Menstrual irregularities or nonexistence (in women)
  • Inadequate immune system, which causes several ailments.
  • Intolerance for the cold
  • Mood fluctuations and an inability to focus

Underweight people might require a customized diet, exercise regimen, and medical supervision to satisfy their unique needs and maintain their general health and well-being.

Why is weight gain so important?

Gaining weight can be significant for many distinct reasons, but it’s crucial to understand that not everyone will find it to be significant.

The importance of weight gain is contingent upon the unique circumstances and health objectives of the individual.

1. Underweight or Malnourished Individuals: Individuals who are substantially underweight or malnourished may benefit from weight gain for their health and well-being.

Underweight can cause a number of health issues, including a weakened immune system, decreased muscular mass, and dietary deficits.

In such instances, it is critical to gain weight in order to restore the body to health.


2. Illness or Surgery Recovery: Individuals may lose weight after a significant illness or surgery due to variables such as decreased appetite or higher energy expenditure during recovery.

Weight gain is necessary at this time to repair damaged tissue, regain strength, and aid in overall healing.


3. Athletic performance: Increasing muscular mass and weight can help improve performance in sports that need strength and power, such as weightlifting or American football.

Athletes frequently want to increase their muscle mass and body weight in order to improve their performance in their particular sports.


4. Bodybuilding and fitness objectives: Some people seek to acquire weight as part of their fitness or bodybuilding objectives.

They may wish to increase their muscle mass and general body weight in order to obtain a specific physique or degree of stress.

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