
How to practice kriya yoga at home

Kriya Yoga is a spiritual practice that emphasizes meditation, self-discipline, and the merging of individual awareness with the divine.

It is frequently credited to the ancient scholar Patanjali, who systematized the practice in his Yoga Sutras, but it achieved global notoriety in the twentieth century through the teachings of the Indian yogi Paramahamsa Yogananda.

In Sanskrit, the term “kriya” denotes “action” or “activity.” However, its application in this context goes beyond simple physical movements; it represents a set of spiritual practices intended to promote spiritual growth.

Pranayama (breath control), concentration, meditation, and devotional approaches are among the disciplines included.

Kriya yoga is generally referred to as such because it includes “kriyas,” which are specialized procedures intended to purify the body and mind, awaken dormant spiritual energy (Kundalini), and facilitate higher levels of meditation.

These kriyas are regarded as highly effective and efficient techniques of spiritual advancement since they immediately affect the body’s subtle energy channels (nadis) and energy centers (chakras).

Kriya Yoga emphasizes self-discipline and regularity. Overall, Kriya Yog is a powerful and methodical approach to spiritual development and attainment that combines physical, mental, and spiritual activities to achieve higher realms of awareness and, eventually, oneness with the divine.

Origin Of Kriya Yoga

“Kriya” implies action or work, whereas “yoga” means union or interaction with the divine. As a result, Kriya Yog might be defined as a series of actions or procedures intended to promote spiritual oneness.


The present form of Kriya Yoga is commonly linked to the teachings of Lahiri Mahasaya, who reinvigorated the practice in the nineteenth century. Lahiri Mahasaya was a pupil of Mahavatar Babaji, an immortal yogi who is credited with introducing the world to Kriya yog.

Paramahansa Yogananda, another prominent person in the Kriya Yoga tradition, popularized it in the West with his book “Autobiography of a Yogi” and the establishment of the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) and the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.

Yogananda’s teachings popularized Kriya Yog and helped it become a part of modern spiritual practices.

Kriya yoga has strong roots in Indian spiritual traditions, including yog and Vedanta teachings. It consists of practices like pranayama, meditation, and particular physical postures that aid in inner transformation and the realization of one’s true self.

These practices seek to balance the mind, body, and spirit, resulting in self-realization and oneness with the divine.

In India, Kriya Yog is still an important component of the spiritual landscape, with many practitioners studying and teaching its concepts. It is regarded as a strong road to spiritual awakening and inner serenity, using ancient wisdom to lead people on their journeys of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Kriya Yoga Postures

1. Basic Kriya Pranayama consists of a sequence of controlled breathing exercises designed to regulate the body’s life force or prana. It often incorporates techniques like Ujjayi Pranayama (victory breath), Nadi Shodhana (alternating nostril breathing), and Kriya Pranayama.

2. Meditative Asanas: Kriya Yoga employs a variety of asanas or postures to prepare the body for meditation and improve energy flow. Padmasana (lotus pose), Siddhasana (complete position), and Sukhasana (easy pose) are among the most prevalent asanas. These asanas serve to stabilize and calm the body.

3. Spinal Breathing: The discipline of directing the breath along the spine is central to Kriya Yog and awakens the dormant spiritual energy inside. It entails breathing rhythmically while envisioning the breath moving up and down the spinal column, activating energy centers or chakras along the route.

4. The Hong-sau technique: is a concentration technique in which the practitioner mentally repeats the mantra “hong” (pronounced “hong”) while breathing and “sau” (pronounced “saw”) when exhaling. It helps to relax the mind and focus one’s attention within.

5. Maha Mudra and Maha Bandha: are sophisticated techniques that use physical locks and gestures to communicate energy. Maha Mudra is a sequence of hand movements, breath holding, and postures used to channel prana, whereas Maha Bandha is the contraction of three primary locks within the body: the throat lock, the belly lock, and the root lock.

6. Kriya Meditation Yoga: This is the meditation part of Kriya Yoga, in which practitioners transcend the physical sphere to seek deeper levels of awareness. This could involve practices like antar mauna (inner silence), trataka (gaze meditation), or dhyana (concentration).

Steps For Beginners To Practice Kriya Yoga At Home

Practicing Kriya Yoga at home can be a tremendously rewarding experience, but it must be approached with honesty, discipline, and understanding.

Here’s a simple guide to getting started:

1.Designate a sacred space: Set aside a peaceful, clean area of your home where you can practice uninterrupted. This location should encourage serenity and reflection.

2. Begin with preparation exercises: Before beginning Kriya Yoga, warm up your body with gentle stretching or yoga poses to relax your muscles and calm your mind.

3. Study the skills: If you haven’t previously, study the precise practices of Kriya Yoga from a competent teacher or other reliable sources. These approaches typically include breath control, meditation, and certain postures.

  • Anulom-Vilom Pranayam: is a basic breathing exercise in which you alternately inhale and exhale via your nose. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and use your thumb to close one nostril while inhaling into the other. Then, while exhaling, alternate nostrils and repeat. This exercise regulates the flow of prana (life force) in the body.
  • Nabhi Kriya: Directs focus to the navel center, which stimulates the digestive system and energy flow. Sit comfortably cross-legged, place your hands on your knees, inhale deeply, and exhale while pushing your navel securely toward your spine. Repeat this action rhythmically while breathing.
  • Shambhavi Mahamudra: This kriya entails focusing on a specific place (often between the brows) while keeping a relaxed posture. Sit comfortably, slowly focus your sight, and let your thoughts relax. This practice improves concentration and inner awareness
  • Agni Sara: This kriya focuses on the abdomen, improving digestion and fundamental strength. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lay your hands on your thighs, exhale completely, and then tighten and relax your abdominal muscles in synchrony. Concentrate on your movements and breaths.
  • Trataka: is the practice of looking steadily at a certain spot, such as a candle flame or a wall. Sit comfortably, keep your gaze fixed without blinking, and keep track of your breathing. This technique enhances concentration and inner tranquility.

4. Regular practice: Establish a regular workout program. Begin with a modest duration and progressively increase it as you gain comfort with the techniques.

5. Maintain discipline: Kriya Yoga necessitates dedication and constancy. Set out a certain time for your practice each day and stick to it, even if you don’t feel like it.

6. Integrative meditation: frequently incorporates meditation as a fundamental practice. Regular meditation on a chosen object of concentration or the techniques taught in Kriya Yoga will help you develop a calm, focused mind.

7. Finish with relaxation: After you’ve completed your exercise, take a few moments to unwind and reap the rewards of your efforts. This may include profound relaxation or Shavasana.

Kriya Yoga Benefits

Kriya Yoga offers numerous benefits by promoting harmony in the mind, body, and spirit. Physically, it enhances vitality, strengthens the neurological system, and improves immunity.

Mentally, it promotes focus, clarity, and emotional stability while lowering tension and anxiety. Spiritually, it promotes inner calm, self-awareness, and spiritual progress, resulting in a stronger sense of connectedness to the divine.

Practitioners frequently report improved intuition, as well as increased creativity and self-realization, as a result of their practice.

Kriya Yoga’s holistic approach encourages people to live genuinely, connecting with their highest potential and purpose while also cultivating a sense of oneness with all of existence.

Myths About Kriya Yoga

Misconceptions surround Kriya Yoga, which was promoted by Paramahamsa Yogananda. First and foremost, it is not a quick fix for all difficulties in life. Although it provides significant benefits, it necessitates commitment and constant practice. Second, it is not restricted to any specific religion; it is a spiritual science that is available to everyone, regardless of beliefs.

Third, Kriya Yoga does not seek to escape reality; rather, it improves the ability to deal with life’s obstacles with clarity and flexibility. Furthermore, it is more than just physical postures or breathing techniques; it entails profound interior transformation through meditation and pranayama.

Finally, Kriya Yoga is not about seeking superhuman abilities; rather, it is a route to self-realization and oneness with the divine. By eliminating these beliefs, we may see Kriya Yoga as a profound spiritual practice that allows people to strengthen their connection with themselves and the cosmos.

Effects Of Kriya Yoga Seen By a Practitioner In the Beginning

Practitioners of Kriya Yoga frequently report tremendous physical relaxation and mental clarity in the early stages of their practice.

Kriya Yog’s controlled breathing techniques and meditation can help relieve stress, increase attention, and bring about a deep sense of inner calm. Many practitioners report greater energy and a general sense of well-being.


Consistency and mindfulness are essential for practicing Kriya Yoga at home effectively. Begin by creating a peaceful, distraction-free environment.

Set up a certain time each day for your practice, ensuring it fits neatly into your regular schedule. Begin with easy techniques such as deep breathing and gradually progress to more sophisticated asanas and meditations.

To maximize the advantages, focus on appropriate posture and alignment. Be attentive to your body and mind, respect any boundaries, and push them cautiously.

Assess your development on a regular basis and make any adjustments to your exercises. Remember that Kriya Yog is more than just a physical practice; it is a holistic path to self-realization and inner serenity.

What role does breath control play in Kriya Yoga?

Kriya Yog focuses on pranayama (breath control) techniques to regulate the flow of prana (life energy) in the body. Pranayama practitioners think that mastery of the practice promotes spiritual awareness and energy.

Can Kriya Yoga be practiced by people of all religions?

Yes, Kriya Yog is frequently described as a non-denominational spiritual practice that may be incorporated into any religion or spiritual belief system. Its tactics are not fundamentally linked to any certain religious tradition.

How does Kriya Yoga relate to Kundalini energy?

Kriya yoga is thought to awaken and circulate the Kundalini energy, which is claimed to reside at the base of the spine. Practitioners use certain rituals to facilitate the upward movement of this energy, which leads to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

What are the benefits of practicing Kriya Yoga?

In addition to spiritual development, Kriya Yog supporters claim that it can improve physical health, cerebral clarity, emotional balance, and stress reduction. Some practitioners describe feeling more intuitive and creative.

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