
9 Unique Kundalini Mudra Benefits, How to do?

Kundalini mudra refers to a symbolic hand gesture or mudra used in Kundalini yoga and other spiritual practices. In the context of kundalini mudra benefits, a mudra is a specific hand or body position that is believed to have an energetic and psychological effect on the practitioner. Kundalini Mudra is specifically associated with the awakening and balancing of the Kundalini energy and knowing kundalini mudra benefits.

Kundalini is a concept in yoga and Hinduism that represents a dormant spiritual energy located at the base of the spine.

The goal of Kundalini yoga is to awaken and enhance this energy and gain kundalini mudra benefits through a variety of practices including specific postures, To enhance kundalini mudra benefits breathing techniques, and postures.

Kundalini Mudra is formed by interlocking the fingers in a specific way. The left hand is placed over the right hand, with the thumbs touching, and the fingers of both hands intertwined. The thumbs represent masculine and feminine energies, and the joined fingers symbolize the union of these energies.

Here is How to Perform Mudras: Kundalini Mudra Benefits

The practice of Kundalini Mudra is believed to facilitate Kundalini mudra benefits with flow of energy along the energy channels (nadis) in the body, especially the central channel known as Sushumna. It is believed to help balance the energy centers (chakras) and promote the upward movement of Kundalini energy.

Steps To  Perform Kundalini Mudra

  • Sit in a comfortable meditation posture, such as cross-legged on a cushion or in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Make sure that your spine is straight and your body is relaxed.
  • Place your hands in front of your lower abdomen, palms facing up.
  • Bring your hands together, intertwining the fingers. The left hand should be on top of the right hand and the thumbs should be touching each other.
  • Press the thumbs together gently, making a connection between the left and right sides.
  • Keep your hands on your lap or thighs, keep them relaxed and comfortable.
  • Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath. Take slow, deep breaths, relaxing your body with each exhalation.
  • While maintaining the pose, visualize or feel the flow of energy from the base of your spine (where the Kundalini energy is believed to reside) upward through the central channel of your body, known as Sushumna Do it.
  • Stay in this pose for the desired duration, focusing on your breath and the subtle energy flow within your body.
  • When you are ready to end the exercise, slowly release the pose and bring your hands back to your lap.

There are  Hundreds of Mudras with specific meaning and special Kundalini mudra benefits

1. Gyan Mudra

Gyan Mudra (sign of wisdom): The thumb and forefinger are brought together, forming a circle, while the other fingers are spread. This mudra is believed to enhance concentration, memory and wisdom.

Gyan Mudra, also known as Chin Mudra, is a symbolic hand gesture or seal used in various forms of yoga, meditation, and spiritual practices


This mudra is believed to stimulate and activate the brain and enhance concentration and memory. It is believed to promote calmness, clarity and spiritual openness. Practitioners may use Jnana Mudra during meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises) or as a part of yoga practice.

2. Anjali Mudra

Palms pressed together in front of heart center, fingers pointing upward.

Anjali Mudra is often used as a sign of respect, gratitude and devotion. It is commonly performed as a greeting or salutation in various cultural contexts, such as at the beginning or end of a yoga class or during religious ceremonies. In kundalini mudra benefits & yoga, it is sometimes used to mean centering and connecting with one's inner divinity or higher self.


This pose can also be practiced during meditation as a way to bring focus, balance and harmony to the mind and body. Some practitioners believe that Anjali Mudra helps to unite the left and right hemispheres of the brain, thereby promoting a sense of wholeness and integration.

3. Varada Mudra

Varada Mudra (sign of compassion): The hand is extended downward and the palm is facing forward, symbolizing offering, charity and fulfillment of desires. It represents generosity, compassion and blessings. It is important to develop a mindset of generosity, kindness and selflessness when practicing Varada Mudra


Varada Mudra is often associated with deities or spiritual figures who are known for their qualities of compassion, abundance and fulfillment of desires. It symbolizes the generosity and openness of the heart of the deity or practitioner, expressing their willingness to bless, help and support kundalini mudra benefits

4. Abhaya mudra

Abhaya Mudra (the sign of fearlessness): The right hand is raised to shoulder height with the palm facing out. It symbolizes fearlessness, protection and the removal of fear and obstacles. Abhaya Mudra can be interpreted at different levels. It symbolizes the absence of fear and the ability to overcome fear and obstacles in one's spiritual journey. It also represents the assurance of safety and security and support for asylum seekers.


Abhaya Mudra is often associated with deities or spiritual figures who symbolize fearlessness, compassion, and the ability to provide protection. This is seen as a sign of the deity’s or practitioner’s ability to provide refuge and dispel fear.

5. Dhyan Mudra

Dhyana mudra (sign of meditation): hands rest on the lap, right hand placed over left hand, palms facing up, and thumbs lightly touching. It represents calmness, concentration and contemplation. Practicing meditation postures can also have an effect on the subtle energy flow in the body. It is believed to balance and harmonize energy channels, thereby promoting a state of balance and calmness.


This pose is often used to calm the mind, release tension, and enter a state of focused awareness during meditation. It helps to direct and flow energy inward, creating a sense of calmness and centeredness.

6. Shoonya Mudra

Shoonya mudra (gesture of emptiness): The tip of the middle finger is pressed against the base of the thumb, while the other fingers remain outstretched. It is believed to relieve physical and mental heaviness and get to know about kundalini mudra benefits, as well as improve communication and creativity. 


To practice Shoonya Mudra, it is generally recommended to maintain the pose for at least 15 minutes, preferably in a comfortable sitting position during meditation or pranayama (breathing exercises).

9 Kundalini Mudra Benefits

  1. Kundalini Awakening: The purpose of Kundalini yoga is to awaken the dormant Kundalini energy located at the base of the spine. Practice, including Kundalini mudra, is said to facilitate the awakening and upward movement of this energy, leading to spiritual growth and expanded consciousness.
  2. Stress reduction: Kundalini yoga involves a variety of techniques, including postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, that are known to reduce stress and promote relaxation. This practice helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby calming the mind and body. Hence getting the kundalini mudra benefits
  3. Energy Balancing: Kundalini Mudra and Kundalini Yoga practices are designed to balance the flow of energy throughout the body. By stimulating the energy centers and energy channels , it helps promote a harmonious and balanced energy system.
  4. Emotional healing: Kundalini yoga and related postures can support emotional healing by helping to remove emotional blockages and promoting emotional balance. The practice is believed to facilitate the processing and release of stored emotions, thereby increasing a sense of emotional well-being.
  5. Mental Clarity and Focus: Kundalini Mudra, combined with other Kundalini yoga techniques, can increase mental clarity, focus, and concentration. The practice helps to calm the mind, increase awareness, and improve cognitive function.
  6. Spiritual Growth and Awakening: Kundalini yoga, including mudras, is often considered a spiritual practice that supports personal transformation and spiritual awakening. It can deepen one’s connection with higher consciousness, enhance intuition, and facilitate spiritual growth.
  7. Vitality and Energy Boost: Kundalini Yoga is known for its energizing and invigorating effects. This practice helps to awaken and circulate life force energy (prana) throughout the body, thereby increasing vitality, stamina and overall energy level.
  8. Increases intuition and creativity: Kundalini yoga exercises, including mudras, are believed to increase intuition and creativity. By balancing and harmonizing the energy centers, it can facilitate the flow of creative inspiration and intuitive guidance.
  9. Better physical health: Regular practice of Kundalini yoga and related postures can have a positive effect on physical health. It helps strengthen the body, improve flexibility, support healthy organ function, and boost the overall immune system.

How can Mudras Heal

The mudras connect the hands, which are considered in some traditions to be a reflection of the brain and mind. Mudras are believed to influence the mind and emotions by making specific hand gestures. For example according to kundalini mudra benefits, mudras can help calm the mind, reduce stress, focus, or improve mood, all of which can contribute to healing and overall well-being.

Mudras are also related to reflexology, which is based on the theory that specific points on the hands and feet are linked to different parts of the body. By activating certain hand positions, mudras are believed to stimulate the corresponding organs, systems or parts of the body, thereby aiding in their health and functioning called kundalini mudra benefits.

Precautions to be taken kundalini mudra benefits

  • Awareness of Physical Limitations
  • Gentle & comfortable Practice
  • Gradual Progression
  • Consistency & Duration
  • Individual Variation
  • Integration with breath and meditation

It is important to perform these asanas with proper alignment and guidance from a qualified yoga teacher, especially when they are incorporated into a Kundalini yoga practice. Remember that Kundalini mudra benefits may be gained by the KUNDALINI YOGA which is a holistic practice that includes a variety of techniques beyond physical postures, including breathing exercises, meditation, and chanting.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is the Mudra For Kundalini Awakening?

There not any sole mudra or any unique mudra to practice to awaken kundalini, where as there is the combination of multiple mudras at a time to achieve kundalini awakening.

Q.2 What are the benefits of kundalini awakening ?

  • energy balancing
  • stress reduction
  • emotional healing
  • knowing your higher self  

Q.3 what are the powers of kundalini?

Kundalini is a concept in yoga and Hinduism that represents a dormant spiritual energy located at the base of the spine. The immense potential and transformative energy that lies within every individual. Kundalini is often described as a dormant, coiled serpent energy located at the base of the spine.

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