
How to raise blood pressure immediately at home

Low blood pressure or hypotension can cause symptoms such as nausea, weariness, blurred vision, dizziness, and fainting.

When it falls unexpectedly, this can be quite concerning and has to be attended to right away to prevent any consequences.

If your blood pressure does drop occasionally, you can try a few at-home treatments to get it back up quickly.

Underlying Causes of Low Blood Pressure

Low BP, or hypotension, may be the result of many underlying causes and can present with a range of symptoms, including:

1. Dehydration:

  • Low BP can result from lowering fluid intake or from excessive fluid loss (from perspiration, diarrhea, or vomiting), which reduces blood volume.

2. Heart Problems:

  • Hypotension can be caused by heart attacks, heart valve issues, bradycardia (lower heart rate), and heart failure, all of which lessen the heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently.

3. Endocrine Issues:

  • Hyperglycemia, Addison’s disease, and thyroid issues are among the illnesses that might interfere with BP regulation.

4. Severe Infection (Septicemia):

  • A severe infection may result in septic shock, which sharply lowers blood pressure.

5. Blood loss:

  • BP drops when there is a significant loss of blood due to internal bleeding or trauma. This reduces the amount of blood in circulation.

6. Lack of Nutrients in Your Diet:

  • A deficiency in vital minerals, such as folate and vitamin B-12, might stop your body from making enough red blood cells, which lowers BP.

7. Medications

  • Low BP is a side effect of several drugs, such as diuretics, beta- and alpha-blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, and Parkinson’s disease treatments.

8. Pregnancy:

  • The circulatory system grows quickly during pregnancy, which may result in a reduction in blood pressure.

9. An allergic reaction:

  • A sudden drop in blood pressure could be the result of an allergic reaction.

10. Alterations in posture:

  • Orthostatic hypotension is the term for a transient dip in BP brought on by abrupt changes in position, such as standing up fast.

Blood pressure can be increased quickly by using a variety of home remedies. The following are some tactics that work well:

1. Increase Fluid Intake


Increasing fluid consumption is the easiest and fastest approach to raising blood pressure. Blood pressure might drop as a result of dehydration since it reduces blood volume.

Blood pressure is raised by the volume of blood that is increased by fluids. Electrolytes, like potassium and sodium, are necessary to keep the fluid balance and the heart muscle functioning.

A slight increase in salt intake may be helpful in cases of hypotension, even though excessive salt intake is normally contraindicated due to its link with high blood pressure. Quick relief can be obtained by eating salty snacks such as salted almonds or pretzels or by adding a pinch of salt to a glass of water.

2. Consume Salt


Sodium chloride, or salt, has the ability to quickly elevate blood pressure. Sodium aids in the body’s water retention, raising blood pressure and volume.

The body retains more fluid when exposed to sodium, which raises BP by increasing blood volume. But use caution when using this therapy, particularly if you already have high BP or are in danger of getting it.

3. Caffeine Boost


Another drug that has been shown to momentarily raise blood pressure is caffeine. Because caffeine stimulates the circulatory system and increases BP and pulse rate, a cup of coffee or tea can give you an immediate and powerful boost.

Pour yourself some strong black tea or coffee. When in moderation, try high-caffeine energy drinks. While this is a helpful temporary fix, it shouldn’t be overused because tolerance might grow with time and lessen the effect.

4. Small, Frequent Meals

Eating small, frequent meals is another efficient strategy to increase blood pressure. Particularly in older people, eating heavy meals can result in an abrupt decline in blood pressure.

This is because processing larger meals requires the digestive system to have more blood flow, which may take blood away from other areas of the body.

Smaller, more frequent meals (generally 5–6 small meals) spread out throughout the day can help to avoid this and maintain more consistent BP levels.

5. Leg Movement And Elevation

BP can also be impacted by changes in posture. Lying down and raising your legs could be helpful if you’re feeling lightheaded or dizzy. Blood pressure rises in this position because it promotes blood flow to the heart and brain.

Additionally, the abrupt drop in blood pressure linked to orthostatic hypotension can be avoided by rising gently from a lying to a standing position.

6. Compression Stockings

In order to increase blood flow and keep blood from accumulating in the legs, which might lower blood pressure, compression stockings are frequently advised.

By exerting pressure on the legs, these stockings raise BP by encouraging blood to return to the heart.

Compression stockings may be especially helpful for people with orthostatic hypotension, a condition in which there is a noticeable drop in BP while standing.

7. Licorice Root


A folk treatment called lucharis root may help raise blood pressure by lessening the hormone cortisol’s ability to regulate blood pressure.

A rapid boost can be obtained by taking licorice pills or sipping licorice root tea. But it’s crucial to consume licorice sparingly because too much of it might cause high BP and other health issues.

8. Balanced Diet with Nutrient-Rich Food


Consuming foods high in potassium will help you keep your BP in check. Good sources of potassium include spinach, potatoes, bananas, oranges, and potatoes.

Potassium balances salt levels in the body and supports healthy BP regulation. Although potassium is typically discussed in relation to lowering BP, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy intake for heart health in general.

9. Herbal Teas and Natural Remedies


Rosemary is one herbal remedy that may help raise blood pressure. Rosemary is said to enhance circulation and excite the central nervous system. BP might rise quickly after consuming rosemary tea or applying rosemary essential oil in aromatherapy.

10. Adequate Rest And Stress Management

Reduced blood pressure can be caused by stress and sleep deprivation. To keep blood pressure levels in check, it’s critical to get enough sleep and control stress.

Blood pressure can be impacted by hormonal imbalances brought on by stress and sleep deprivation. Controlling your stress and getting enough sleep can assist in maintaining BP stability.

Yoga and Meditation can help release stress and also help correct hypotension

Symptoms Of Low BP

  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Blurred or fading Vision
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of Concentration
  • Depression
  • Thirst

When To Seek Medical Attention

A low BP reading could indicate an underlying medical condition that needs to be treated. Consult a physician if you suffer from:

  1. persistent signs of low blood pressure.
  2. symptoms that make day-to-day living difficult.
  3. severe symptoms, like extreme shortness of breath, clammy, chilly skin, or confusion.
  4. shock symptoms, such as disorientation, particularly following a serious accident.

Low BP can be more successfully monitored and treated if the underlying causes and symptoms are identified.

In A Nutshell

Reducing blood pressure at home can be accomplished by combining quick-acting medications, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes. It’s critical to understand what causes your hypotension and to know what works best for you.

Blood pressure can be efficiently raised by increasing salt and fluid consumption, using compression stockings, eating small, frequent meals, exercising, and consuming foods high in potassium, licorice, and caffeine.

Herbal medicines like rosemary can also help. Each technique focuses on a distinct facet of the illness, offering a thorough approach to the treatment of hypotension.

What is considered low blood pressure?

Low blood pressure, or hypotension, is commonly defined as a blood pressure reading less than 90 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) for systolic (top number) or 60 mm Hg for diastolic (bottom number). What is deemed low, meanwhile, can differ from person to person.

Is low blood pressure dangerous?

Even though low BP is frequently less harmful than high BP, it can nonetheless be deadly if it manifests as severe symptoms or indicates an underlying medical issue. An emergency medical situation might arise from shock caused by severe hypotension.

What is normal blood pressure?

Normal BP is around 120/80 mm Hg.

What are the common symptoms of high blood pressure?

There are frequently no symptoms, but in more severe cases, headaches, dyspnea, or nosebleeds may occur.

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